What is VIN Number?
VIN or Vehicle Identification Number is actually a seventeen number sequence, stamped on the chassis of every single car. When it comes to registering a vehicle, this serves as an identification code. Every car has a different VIN number, which is also known as the body number. It is also referred to as the DNA of the car, as it holds all the details, which are registered under it. Hence, cars always have different VIN numbers stamped to their bodies and you will never see the same VIN number for the same reason.
VIN Location
The VIN number is provided by the manufacturer of the vehicle and stamped on the chassis, before it leaves the factory and hits the road. The number can be located at the same or varying locations depending on the model, but the format of the number remains the same. For instance, the vehicles manufactured in European countries are numbered with ISO-377. The same principle is applied to vehicles that are manufactured in Canada, Japan, China, and Australia.
Importance of VIN Number
VIN number is the only thing that you can rely on for providing you the exact details of your car. Vehicle manufacturing companies have databases that run these numbers and helps them in validating and identifying the cars correctly. Vehicle report by VIN just involves putting in the number and you shall have all the information available.
Data Included in VIN number
For the purpose that it is provided in the first place, it does exactly that. The vehicle report by VIN will provide you access to certain information pertaining to the car.
The first three digits/units are WMI. This helps in identifying the country where the vehicle was built as well as the manufacturer of the vehicle. For example, if the unit starts with ‘J’, it means that the car has been manufactured in Japan, whereas if it shows the number ‘1’, it means that it has been manufactured in America.
The second part constitutes the identification of the vehicle. Each manufacturer has a different way of coding this part. The purpose of this identification code is to identify the features of the vehicle, which lets us know if the vehicle comes with airbags, seat belts, parts that were used as well as the class and type of the car.
The few digits at the end are made possible via an algorithm. It basically indicates the validation of VIN character. The reason it is an algorithm is that it confirms if there are any signs of modifying illegally the number previously.
Finally, the digits from 10 to 17 reflect the car type, model of the engine, whether it is an automatic or manual plus its accessories. In addition to that, it helps you in figuring out the manufacturing year as well as the model.

Location of VIN Number
VIN numbers are more or less located at the same location. They are commonly found on the engine bay, on the lower side of the passenger door or the plastic trim around drivers section. Always remember that VIN numbers are very important, you need to make sure that you check it thoroughly especially when you are purchasing a used car.