When you’ll be visiting Nepenthe restaurant Big Sur, you’ll find that’s a contemporary American cuisine. Greatly recommended for lunch and dinner that the restaurant also takes your reservations. For a lot of car parking, there has its own large parking lot where you can park your car, bike, and it’s good for groups and kids. When it comes to the ambiance and attire inside the restaurant, it’s casual as well as the level of noise is average during peak hours. With the facility of outdoor seating for guests, it comes with a full-service bar where you’ll find all of your favorite drinks. If you want to know about the menu of this restaurant then you’ll find here American dishes like ambrosia burger, walnut cake, steak, butternut squash soup, pizza, chicken entrees, and salads.
So, let’s know some more things that you’re looking for about this nepenthe restaurant California with the following topics.
A Brief of Nepenthe Restaurant
As Big Sur isn’t an island, “Isle of no care” is the meaning of Nepenthe, but you can forget your cares, in any case for a when you’re in it. But, just above the Pacific Ocean that sits on the coastline and the building of rustic-style looks to develop out of the hillside. You’ll get the views are something more than your swoon and don’t discourage any of your foodie friends to get eating at here. Also, you’ll find the menu is somehow adequate if not equal to the values of a gourmet one. But, more prominently, it’s not just all about the food, it also is a matter of experience. As a result, you’ll find the most reviewers about the restaurant have said that “it’s a location you’ll have to visit at least one time, for the view alone!”
Things To Do Other Than Food
As you know the most attractive and tastiest items at Nepenthe concisely are the Ambrosia burger and French fries along with berry pie with ice cream. if you request Ambrosia sauce with it then it’ll enough for a small group of people with a single order of fries. Also, you’ll get a list of some top wineries of California and it’s good to get a stoppage while driving on Highway One.

Now, let’s know about some more things that will attract you other than food. For example, the Nepenthe gift shop and it’s said that no visit gets completed in Nepenthe without paying a visit at the gift shop of Phoenix. In this shop, you’ll find some amazing compilations of artisan jewelry along with paintings, pottery, handmade scented soaps, and books. These all included items are coming from local artisans as well as from around the world.
Tips to Know for Dining Here
If you want to get eth best views, you have to get a seat on the back patio. Without getting wait for one, order your beverage on the bar and meantime you enjoy outside view. But, when you have to do it quickly then get into the patio and sit near the railing to enjoy everything.